Overview, plan or oblique photographs are available
Service Description
All aerial images would be restricted to a height of 120 metres (400 ft) in line with CAA regulations. I have two drones allowing me to photograph in most locations subject to the normal Notam restrictions. All risk assessments and time to check the location will be included in the price which could take between 30 mins to 1 hour prior to any flight. Depending on the weather the number of photographs taken maybe restricted to under 1 hour, but the minimum time allowed would be 2 hours which would be the limit of the drone batteries with one recharge. Price allows for 5 - 10 images to be taken in RAW and processed in Tiff or Jpeg files. Price includes pre-flight check of area, but not expenses as listed below: All flights would require Commercial Drone insurance @ £12 - 15 a day from Coverdrone which will be added to the price. Price excludes travel & Parking (if required) expenses which will be added as an additional cost to invoice which must be paid within 30 days of receipt
Cancellation Policy
At 24 hours notice is required for cancellation or re-scheduling
Contact Details